Despite our tumultuous times, art as consumer durable, continues to be one of the most attractive assets. The art market’s ability to weather an unpredictable and unprecedented crisis has drawn further attention to art as an alternative asset class, with more collectors looking to diversify in times of heightened uncertainty.


The latest 2021 ArtTactic Contemporary Art Market Confidence Report shows a strong return to optimism in the art market, with the confidence indicator reading at 80.6, up from 44.6 from the last reading in November 2020. This is the highest reading since January 2014, and up 89% from the pre-pandemic reading in September 2019. 


Regarding art as an investment, it is very important to take into account a number of factors such as investment grade and inflation-adjusted return. Art is not always a long-term investment as it is often said. It can bring you income even faster than stocks if guided by an art market professional.


Our mission is to convince you in practice, that not only HNWI and UHNWI could be art collectors, but exactly you. 

Our specialists, who have an experience in managing family offices, private and corporate collections will help you to calculate the internal rate of return (IRR) and effective rate of return (EER).


We work both with primary and secondary markets. If you want to be on the crest of a wave and NFT’s or digital art is your area of interest - we are ready to give good advice.